So. How can a vegetarian and a carnivore possibly make meals that make everyone happy AND don't require cooking two separate meals??
Here's a great start: stuffed peppers! I made the filling following a vegetarian stuffed pepper recipe, and just added some meat to half of it. Done and done. Also made some pretty fantastic smashed potatoes as a side dish.
Observe! The power of omnivorous cookery!
What you need:
Preheat the oven to 350 C (unless you are also making the potatoes. Check potato instructions!)
You should get started on your meat and rice at this point. Check the directions on your rice to see how long it will take. Traditional brown rice can take up to 40-60 minutes to cook!!!
Now we can get started on those peppers! Cut off the tops of the peppers and scoop out the seeds and membranes. Place them in a baking dish so that they can all stand upright. NOTE - if you prefer a less crunchy pepper, you can steam them for a few minutes before putting them in the pan.
Next, chop up all your ingredients! I have made excellent use of the Slap Chop here to chop up my onions, carrots, and yes - my walnuts. You're gonna love my nuts! (bahahaha!) The tomato I chopped up by hand because I wanted them to be bigger bits and not mushy, but hey, to each their own.
Don't forget about the meat. Check on it often. When the meat is cooked, drain out the grease (eew) and set the meat aside for now. Set the rice aside when it is done as well. Let's cook the stuffing! Saute the olive oil, garlic and onion till the onion is golden yellow, about 2 minutes. Add the carrots, peas and herbs. Cook till the carrots are tender, about 3 minutes or so. Reduce the heat to medium-low and add the tomato, walnuts, brown rice and a 1/2 cup of tomato sauce. Heat through.
Now it's stuffing time! Stuff your vegetarian peppers first (and stuff them good, don't skimp out! This recipe makes an insane amount of leftovers once the meat is added!). When the veggie ones are done, toss in that meat that you cooked and set aside earlier. Heat the mixture up again to get the meat heated through. When it's hot, stuff the meat peppers too.
Add about 1/2 cup of sauce to the bottom of the baking dish before putting your peppers in. Once all stuffed and placed back in the dish, liberally top your peppers with more tomato sauce. Mmmmm :)!
Pop the peppers into the oven and let them cook for 20 minutes. If you like softer peppers and haven't steamed them first, leave them for a little longer (up to about 30 minutes is enough).
Ridiculously Easy and Delicious Smashed Potatoes
The potatoes take the longest time, so get them started first if you are making both recipes. Preheat the oven to 400 C. In a bowl, put your mini potatoes in and roll them around in about 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Then, place them in a baking dish (this here is a cake pan, but it totally doubles as a roasting pan *shifty eyes*). Pop 'em in! They will need to cook for 20 minutes.
Drizzle your taters with a little bit more olive oil (about 1/2 Tbsp), and sprinkle with pepper, kosher salt and rosemary. Pop 'em back in the oven for another 15 minutes.
*note, you can put them in the oven with the peppers at the lower temperature too, but they'll just take longer. They will end up coming out of the oven at the same time if they are at 350 instead of 400 C).
The final product! Behold!
These are the veggie stuffed peppers and delicious little smashed potatoes (with a few that got a little bit too eagerly smashed :P). Check it out, they even look good when the meat-eating pepper falls over and spills everywhere!
What other meals can carnivores and vegetarians both enjoy together while still feeling satisfied?