So I'm still sick after that run in the cold. All day at work yesterday I was feeling like a pile of garbage, but decided that darnit, I needed to exercise after my day off on Tuesday. So, feeling a little bit better in the evening, I went to a one hour yoga class.
I admit, it wasn't my best class, but I didn't really expect it to be. With my head swimming with snottiness and that general "blehhh" feeling that you get with a cold, I wasn't so much into the meditative state. I stopped paying attention to what I was doing and didn't connect at all. Basically, I was just there and moving around in some kind of funky aerobics rather than an actual yoga practice. It just didn't feel right. I made it my intention at the beginning of class to not judge what my body was capable of doing today (or any day, really, but specifically today), and to just go with what feels right in the moment. But since I stopped caring about halfway through the practice, I totally didn't go with that intention. I was definitely judgemental of my body for getting sick in the first place. "How dare you infect me with this awful disease?!", I asked myself. I later realized that the more I judged myself and the more I tried to make my body do things that it didn't want to do, the worse I felt. So, I sat out a few poses that I knew weren't going to end well (also to help avoid the snottiness from getting into my sinuses).
I left the class feeling "meh". Not nearly as great as I usually feel after an hour of yoga. I had lost that connection to my body and didn't really "get" why I was there. But at least my cold wasn't feeling as gross as before :)
But then I woke up this morning.
The cold has come back with full force. Ughhhhhhhhhh....... I woke up with sore throat, hacking chest cough and outrageous sneezing/nose blowing. I sanitized the whole apartment, hoping for the best, and went to work anyway. So far I'm feeling about the same, maybe a little less awful than before. At least I've stopped coughing up interesting colours for the time being.
I'm hoping that this cold goes away by exactly 4:00pm today so that I can go off and enjoy my LONG WEEKEND!! I have a lot of great exercise planned for this weekend -- and two Easter dinners to go to (you can bet that I'll be posting about those!)
How are you planning to spend your long weekend?
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