Sunday, October 24, 2010


Hey everyone!

So I'm in the middle of studying for my third midterm, and decided to take a break to finally post again on this blog!

I have some BIG NEWS today! I've been a bit lazy with running lately, given that I've been crazy busy with school and work and teaching, and currently undergoing yet another 30 Day Challenge at my yoga studio. So, I decided that I need a kick in the butt to get my running back in gear.


I registered for my first half marathon today!!!!!!! :D SO EXCITED! I'm officially in for the Toronto Women's Half Marathon in May 2011! I'll also be signing up for the Sporting Life 10K again (registration isn't open yet). I figure that knowing that I have an upcoming half marathon will be just the push that I need to keep training, and give me determination to keep going when I get sore and tired and whiny. Stay tuned to see how it goes! I have about 6.5 months to get ready, which I think will be more than enough time for me :)!

Also, I know it's kind of ironic that I'm a nutrition student and haven't posted much of anything to do with food since I started school. I promise that more food stuff will come: recipes, neat food info, etc! Just for fun, here's a random fact to tide you over:

Did you know...
We've all heard the commercials from All Bran saying that psyllium fibre can help lower your blood cholesterol, but why??? Psyllium is a type of soluble fibre. When mixed with water (e.g. the fluids of your stomach and GI tract), soluble fibre forms a kind of gel substance that moves through the intestines with the rest of your food. This gel binds with bile, a fat emulsifier (breaks down dietary fat) released by the gall bladder. Normally, bile breaks down the fat in your food and is reabsorbed in the large intestine. When bound to the gelly soluble fibre though, this can't happen! In order to create more bile and emulsify fats properly, the body must use cholesterol (i.e. that which is found in the blood), thus, your blood cholesterol lowers!

Now you know!!!

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