Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring into Action Challenge

Hey blog!
I'm a few days late posting this one, since it was supposed to start at the beginning of March, but hey - better late than never :)
Upon realization that my first half marathon is a mere 13 weeks away, it dawned on me that I really need to get my butt in gear and TRAIN UP!!!!!  I have been running regularly and gradually increasing distance, but not as much as I should have been doing by now.  I admit, I kind of lost motivation.  With the cold outside (though unseasonably mild still), I've been stuck on the treadmill which can get really, REALLY boring after a while.

It's time to get moving.

I present: the Spring into Action Challenge!
This challenge asks you (yes, YOU!) to move a lot more!  I challenge you to get moving every single day for at least 30 minutes per day.  Ideally, get vigorous physical activity (something that gets the heart rate up and/or makes you sweat) at least 3 days per week.  The challenge will last April 30 - a very important time for me because a) my exams are in the middle of April, and b) I'm going on vacation just before the end of the challenge -- but I'm already planning to pack my runners and try out some beachside and water sports! 
Research varies on the amount of time needed, but most agree that after doing something every day for at least one month, it will become a habit.

I won't be posting every day during the Spring into Action Challenge, but I will update y'all once a week (when/if I remember :)). I'll also post any interesting tidbits that I come across about fitness and health that might be helpful for you!

So, since I'm late posting, here's my first weekly update: How's it going so far?

  • Thursday (March 1): I joined an Extreme Fitness near school with a WagJag deal.  After dealing with the amazing high-pressure sales pitch, I finally got my membership set for 2 months (the time I was entitled to on the deal purchased).  This deal also got me two sessions with a personal trainer!  I went for my fitness assessment on Thursday with a trainer, finding out that my body fat % was 22.4 (a lot more believable than the 16% that I got last time O_o) and that I need to work on upper body and core strength to help support my body during my running training.  The total session was an hour, but actual exercise was about 30 minutes of low-to-moderate intensity work.
  • Friday: I wasn't able to fit in a workout, but taught 2 yoga classes and participated with the class for about 15 minutes of each class.  I also did all of the abdominal exercises with the class.
  • Saturday: rest day - I walked home from teaching at my home studio (about a 30 minute walk)
  • Sunday: 90 minutes of hot yoga
  • Monday: 5km run (about 38 minutes)
  • Tuesday: 1 hour spinning class at Extreme Fitness


Assuming that my legs aren't toast from spinning today, I have another run planned tomorrow, and my first personal training session on Thursday.  Updates to come!

How will YOU Spring into Action???

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