Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring into Action: Week 2

Have you been moving and grooving with me for the last two weeks?  Here's what's been going on since the last update:

Wednesday March 7: went for a 5.4km run in the park.  I love that I live in a neighbourhood where, within the span of less than 5k, I ran through a) cherry blossom trees, b) a zoo (saw the bison/yaks, peacocks, emus, some kind of sheep, goats, and others!), c) varied terrain (road to trail to mud to rocks to road to up and down hills...), and d) an off-leash dog park full of about a billion happy slobbery dogs :)

Thursday March 8: my first personal training session at Extreme!  I actually showed up about 10 minutes early, so we got started before my appointment.  This guy KICKED MY BUTT!!!!!!!!!  I actually thought that I was going to cry after a while, because it was SO FREAKING HARD.  But, I pushed as hard as I could and survived the session.  It became very obvious very quickly that my upper body strength is total crap compared to my leg/core strength and cardio endurance, so we focused a lot on building upper body work.  When I was done, I realized that we had actually been working for almost an hour and a half by the time he released me from his evil training clutches O__O

Friday March 9: I decided that today would be a rest day.  I had planned a 6k run, but after the killer training session the day before, I knew it just wasn't going to work out well, and that I would probably end up horribly injured or something.  I didn't have any planned activity, but did lots of walking (probably about 40 minutes worth).

Saturday and Sunday (March 10 and 11): Saturday was my planned rest day, but I ended up extending it to Sunday simply because I couldn't fit in the activity that I had planned.  I have two massive assignments due this week, and I was working all weekend on top of it, so any spare time I had was spent on researching and writing and nerding out.  So, the weekend was pretty much an epic fail in the activity department.

Monday March 12: FINALLY got myself out for some activity :) Unfortunately I had a bit of intestinal issues this afternoon (damn you, IBS...), and didn't really think that my planned 6k run would be a very good idea.  I opted instead to ride the stationary bike for 15 minutes at the gym and see how I felt after.  Luckily, I was feeling a bit better, so stuck around the gym for another 30 minutes doing upper body and ab activity.

Tuesday March 13: Yet another day of fun with angry intestines.  Decided against my will to take today as a rest day, though I did get in some walking.

Wednesday March 14: Today I decided to stick it to digestive distress and got some dang exercise!  I woke up early and hit the treadmill before my belly could complain.  Got my 6k run in :)

Thursday March 15: I missed my workout today (unexpected scheduling issues), but fit in some activity by doing spurts of activity on commercial breaks of Grey's Anatomy! I worked on little cardio spurts of squat jumps, burpees, mountain climbers, push ups and tricep dips, and jump rope (imaginary :P).  I'd guess that there were 5 commercial breaks, each about 4-5 minutes long, but I worked my butt off for that whole 4-5 minutes.  While it might not sound like much, I felt pretty toasted at the end of the show!

Friday March 16: Went to the gym after school for an hour - about 25 minutes of cardio and 45 of strength work and stretching.  Also walked from the gym to meet boyfriend for lunch, about a 30 minute walk.

Saturday March 17: St. Patrick's Day!  No planned activity, but I walked home (from the bar) for about a half hour, and also taught a yoga class earlier in the day.

So this week wasn't as motivational of a week, part of which was due to a) scheduling problems with assignments/other school stuff going on, and b) intestinal issues that prevented intense exercise.  While I can't do much about IBS (though I'm working with my doc about it), I can definitely do something about scheduling!  I'm usually pretty good about planning out a day that will allow me to get in some kind of activity, if even just a 30 minute walk, but somehow this week it kind of fell apart.  Heck, I didn't even get to go grocery shopping this week - we've been living off of leftovers, frozen food (wallet friendly!) and ordering out (not so wallet friendly...).  Next week I expect will be just as nuts with assignments, so I'm going to try to do my best to plan ahead a little better!

How did you get activity this week?

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