Thursday, May 13, 2010

Motivation Challenge Day 2

Thursday's Food

  • Breakfast was served at my place, where I have more control over the food. So, we had Egg Beaters Cheese and Chive scrambled in olive oil with yellow and green bell peppers, served with 1/2 a Pita Break breakfast pita each (because I only had one left and no other bread :P) Used 3 Points, got 1 Fruit/Veggie, 1 Oil and 1 Lean Protein GHG
  • Lunch was leftovers from Wednesday's scrumptious seafood stir fry (same amount of rice, but there was less seafood left over). Used 4 Points, got 1 Fruit/Veggie, 1 Oil, 1 Whole Grain, and 1 Lean Protein GHG
  • Dinner was kind of non-existant... I had a tall non-fat dark cherry mocha and a Fruit and Cheese plate at Starbucks. The fruit/cheese plate cost me a surprising NINE POINTS for 1/2 an apple, a few flatbread crackers, and four itsy bitsy slices of cheese. What the hell!?!? Used 13 Points, got 1 Fruit/Veggie and 1 Dairy GHG
  • Snacks were 1/2 cup of fat free strawberry yogurt with blackberries and 2tbsp of vanilla granola, an apple, 1c of frozen grapes and a WW 1 Point Fruitty Nutty Bar. Used 6 Points, got 0.5 Dairy and 2 Fruit/Veggie GHG
Points Used: 25 (Used + 2 Weekly)

I also drank 1.5 L of water and 1 cups of coffee.

GHGs Earned:

  • Liquids: 7/6
  • Oils: 2/2
  • Dairy: 1.5/2
  • Fruit and Veggies: 5/5
  • Lean Protein: 2/2
  • Whole Grain: 1/1

Thursday nights I work at my Weight Watchers meeting, which just happens to be my home meeting as well! So I count my scale-testing at this meeting to be my weekly weigh in (and I get it written officially once per month as a Lifetime member). Today's weight was 142.0 I'll count this as my first weigh-in of the Motivation Challenge and see how it goes. Like I said earlier, I'm not terribly concerned about weight loss during the Challenge, as I'm still in a happy place weight-wise. My WW goal is 143, but my body seems to be happiest between 138-143ish.

After my meeting, I met up with one of my bestest friends in the world for coffee. We've been friends pretty much since birth! We were born on the same day, in the same hospital, and her grandparents live down the street from my parent's house. We went to the same public school, high school, AND university (different programs)! Now that we've moved away from home and all that, we don't see each other as often. But we still usually we meet up about once a month or so to catch up and gossip and all that girly-best-friend stuff :) So, even though that teeny little cheese plate cost me an INSANE amount of points for such a small amount of food and nutritional value, it was still fully worth it :)

Thursday's Activity:

I didn't get in any formal exercise today, but for good reason. My muscles are still pretty tender from Wednesday's intense yoga class. I decided to give my body off to recover. Plus, since I was working today from 8:30am-7:15pm, and didn't get home till 9pm after my coffee date, I was really not in the mood to start exercising by the time I walked back in the door! I did, however, walk to the subway station instead of taking the streetcar (about a 15 minute walk --- but hey, it was raining and blowing and cold. So that's definitely worth something!)

In summary...

  • Tracked food intake: Yes!
  • Stayed on plan (points, GHGs): Mostly, again missing 0.5 Dairy
  • Got active: Sort of - took a break, but still walked.

What keeps you motivated?

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