Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Motivation to exercise

So I've been kind of naughty lately. After the 10K last week, I discovered a couple days later that I lost my Nike Plus shoe chip :( I'm so sad!!! Rather than suck it up and either a) buy a new one, or b) go running without the chip or even c) do another form of exercise instead, I have done nothing. Well, I practiced yoga a couple times, but other than that there's been nothing. Sad, I know.

I just can't seem to find the motivation. The last couple of weeks have been kinda busy at work - mind you, it's been mindless activity (stuffing 900 envelopes, highlighting invoices, etc), but still by the time I get home, I'm just exhausted!!! My brain/body just don't want to go anywhere once my butt hits the couch.

And, as if it weren't bad enough that I haven't broken a sweat in a week and a half, there were also two Mother's Day dinners last weekend to contend with! Up until then, I had at least been making good food choices and hadn't indulged too much in the sugary things that usually call my name when I fall off the motivation wagon. But then there was ice cream. And cake. And leftovers. Dang :( And did I track any of it? Ummmmmmm no. *hangs head in shame*

To top it all off, the lack of exercise has also drawn me into TV land. Normally I don't watch a lot of TV (neither Ed nor I even have cable, just rabbit ears), just news in the morning as I'm getting ready for work, and maybe 2-2.5 hours per night worth of the few shows that I actually follow regularly (e.g. Grey's, the Office, etc). Lately, that 2-2.5 hours has been turning into 3-4 hours as I've been lazing around and getting sucked into reality TV shows that I normally would have flipped right by (assuming I was watching TV at the time at all). Last night, after polishing off the remaining Mother's Day leftovers, I lazed on the couch for the entire remaining evening. I think that was about 3.5 hours worth of crap. Sadly, I even realized that it was crap, but did little to stop myself from becoming a blob.

So here's the deal.

My realization has come, luckily only 1.5 weeks after falling off the wagon. It's time to get back on track! There are only 51 days until yoga teacher training, so why not get myself back to great health and feeling awesome now? I've decided to recommit to tracking food and exercise, but not necessarily to weight loss. My weight hasn't changed (I still weigh in weekly at Weight Watchers meetings) and I'm currently at my goal weight, but I feel gross and want that to change.

The plan:
  • Get back in the habit of tracking my food, even if I make a bad food choice. I'll even post my meals online to keep me extra accountable.
  • Take control of my meals and plan ahead. This is a problem for me, because when I stay at Ed's apartment, he has full control of his gourmet kitchen. He's a much better cook than I am, but unfortunately, his meals tend to be full-fat, full-flavour, large-portioned masterpieces.
  • Get moving at minimum 3 times per week.
  • Of that 3 times per week activity, at least one must be a yoga practice, and at least one must be running.

I'll keep this up until May 24th (about 2 weeks) --- because May 25th onward will have a new challenge added (more info to come!!!)

Have you fallen off the motivation wagon? What goals do you give yourself to get back on track?

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